Thursday 5 September 2013

Nature Questions

How many emotions do dogs have?

According to research, dogs have the mental capacity equivalent to that of a two, two and a half year old human child. Therefore, since the evidence of emotions is obviously there it is safe to conclude that they have an emotional range similar to that age group. Dogs, just like infants, do not possess complex human emotions. Although it may at times seem like my dog is guilty of the act he committed, he cannot be. That emotions is too complex for him or a infant of 2 years old, in fact he is only scared of the punishment he is about to receive : showing a basic emotion of fear. A dog can show: love, fear, anger, joy, and disgust. But he cannot express, guilt, shame, or pride.

Why do bees die after they sting us?

A honeybee will sting humans if it ever feels threatens or there is a threat to its hive. This defense procedure causes the death of the bee. A honeybee's stinger is made up of two barbed lancets and when it stings us and the lancets are in our skin, the bee cannot remove the stinger. Instead, it leaves behind part of its digestive tract, muscles and nerves. The abdominal rupture is what kills the bee, not the initial sting.

1 comment:

  1. Ewww on the bee sting question. Very interesting questions! I learned something new.
