Wednesday 11 December 2013


Alright so a new species of the ever so lovely snail was found recently and its got a translucent shell! This new species named Zospeum tholussum is tiny and was found 3,000 feet underground and appears to be blind, which is not surprising as it was found in on of earths deepest darkest caves
Scientists only found this one alive but found shells of over snails.
snail shells
The species was found in the Lukina Jama-Trojama cave system in Croatia. The snail seems to have a limited ability to move around and spends most of its time in the mud near water. As of yet scientist do not know what it even eats yet.


Dutch designer Lieske Schreuder has made a new flexible material out of SNAIL POOP,  yes, she adopted hundreds of snails from a breeder and fed them colored paper. The byproduct is a unique and malleable material that can be used to make a variety of cool products.
Lieske Schreuder, Snail's Poo, Animals, Poo Power!, Recycling / Compost, Recycled Materials, Sustainable Materials, Art, Dutch design

This is the thread created by putting the waste into a machine and grinding it to make these colourful threads. Obviously the time it takes to make these is a while, it takes an hour just to make a meter. But still, who would have thought that snail poop could make flexible materials.

Snails? Slugs? They're both great :)

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