Thursday 23 January 2014

Finding - a new way of looking at - Nemo

After watching Finding Nemo at the young ripe age of 16 for the 3rd time, I was not inclined to put the effort into watching it again but I did laugh when the teacher Mr. Ray (a manta ray) carries the students away under his belly beacuse it looks a lot this image.

Anyways, yes, after Mrs.Phillips mentioned the idea of looking at Finding Nemo with a new outlook and relating it to biology 11, I feel the need to just stare at this image of a manta ray hugging these women for the rest of my life. This time though, I saw some things that I wouldn't have seen otherwise, such as the flatworm that was swimming around in the background and a seahorse with it's father (because the father gives birth - that seahorse giving birth video was wack!) I also paid more attention to the jellyfish, as we learned about them being cnidarians with no real brain, respiratory system, and circulatory system. I also came up with questions such as "Why does electricity in a jellyfish not course through it and make the top deadly too?" and "What is the ink made out of and what allows it to flow out of the squid?" I could relate this movie to the theme of  Evolution and Natural Selection, because I can see how certain sea animals must have evolved or use these tactics as natural selection. Such as nemo and his father living in a sea anemone, which grants them sancuary and food, while the clownfish cleans the sea anemone. You can also see a trait on the angler fish that helps it to catch prey and for females, to attract a possible mate. The luminescent organ is called an esca. You can also see how sharks are specificaly designed as predators with their rows of teeth and large lumbering bodies and sturdy jaws and then the irony of them being changed to believe "fish are friends, not food"

1 comment:

  1. Great, thoughtful post Jessica. I'm glad that you saw so many Biology things in the movie - you actually answered one of my questions about the angler fish... now I don't have to look it up! Ha! It's always good to end up with some questions about whatever you are watching.
