Tuesday 14 January 2014

Frog Dissection

This is the frog that my partner and I dissected, its skin was very tough and it was slimy, but that was probably because of the fact that it just came out of water. 

Here is the underside of the frog where the incision will be made.

After prying the poor frogs mouth and probably breaking his jaw we could see his tongue which does not seem to be so large. 

Here are its really cool looking webbed feet that were surprisingly small.

All the hands. They looked very humanoid. All except the presence of a thumb.

This frog dissection was amazing, I was so amazing by the tiny humanoids organs. Everything was a small version of what you would find in a human and I thought that was really amazing, and before this dissection I would never have thought that a frogs insides would be so advanced.

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