Wednesday 16 October 2013

Interim Report Post

Biology 11 with Mrs.Phillips in 5th period has been like no other class I've taken before. Resembling more of a laissez-faire style of learning, I've discovered new ways of learning and displaying my understanding of main topics. In the class so far, I am most proud of the Evolution Videos (Bio Sock Project) that we did to demonstrate our understanding of evolution, DNA, its role in Evolution, and the structure of DNA. I am proud of this project because, given complete creative range, I choose with my partner, to do sock puppets. But mostly because with such broad topics I was able to look deeper and answer the questions with a better level of understanding, even going so far as to learn things not taught in the class or curriculum. I feel I did more than what I thought I initial thought I could accomplish with this assignment. Secondly, I am proud of the two quizzes that we did so far because I got 100% on both of them. Lastly I am proud of the genus project we did earlier in the year. It wasn't a challengning project, but it was the most fun I had doing a project and drawing odd looking species was very entertaining.
If I were to look through my binder to see my work habits (even though most things are online) I would be able to easily say that I have completed all work and that I have no incomplete work, but I do not think my binder is as organized as it could be.
When I look through my blog I am most proud of my paragraph on the spanish flu because I learned so many new things about this pandemic that I had only ever heard about, and I was pleased to know that I retained most of the information aswell. I am also proud of my inquiry about the maned wolf and it's long legs because I learned something new about an animal I had always wondered about.
To me engagment means that you respectivly participate in discussion when the oppurtunity presents itelf. I have contributed by commenting on blog posts and by volunteering my ideas when I am able to.
My goal for this class would be to retain information. Since this class depends on learning by myself I hope that this way I will be able to remember things better. I also want to be better organized for the rest of the semeste.

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