Monday 7 October 2013


1. The generalstructure is essentially a nucleic acid enclosed in a protein shell or coat. They are approximately 15-25 nano metres in diameter.

2. The gentic material found in viruses varies depending on the type. It may have double-stranded DNA, double-stranded RNA, single-stranded DNA, or single-stranded RNA. 

4. Viroids are small single-stranded plant pathogens. They lack a capsid and do not code for proteins.
They cause plant diseases that impact crop production, common plant viroids include:spindle tuber viroid, peach latent mosaic viroid, avocado sunblotch viroid, and the pear blister canker viroid.
Satellite Viruses are infectious particles that can affect bacteria, plant, fungi, and animals. They rely on a helper virus to replicate, they cause plant disease by disrupting certain plant gene activity.
5.I believe they are non living. They cannot replicate alone, they need a host and they do not have cells, therefore biologically speaking, they cannot be classified as living organisms.
6. Firstly, viruses are beneficial in general because without the lesser ones immunization would not have been possible, some viruses kill off more complicated microorganisms which can be harmful to humans.

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