Monday 21 October 2013

Play Dough Bacteria

A Flagellum: A whip like tail made of thin protein fibres, it is used primarily for movement by creating a propellerlike motion.

B Pili: The small hairlike strands extending from the surface of the cell. They assist in helping to anchor the cell and with exchanging genetic material with another cell via conjugation.

C Capsule: Composed of complex polysaccharides and small proteins. It stores nutrients, is a depot for cellular waste products, and is a shield againts the harmful exterior.

D Cell Wall: Is a rigid structure that helps determine the shape of the cell. It is made of complec organic acids and found in all species of bacteria.

E Plasma Membrane: The layer of the cell that contains the cytoplasm, it is constructed of protein globules suspended in lipids. Is is vital in the transportation of materials in and out of the cell. It also contains many of the cells enzymes.

F Genetic Material: The DNA of the bacteria cell is not held in a nucleus and is instead floating loosely in the cytoplasm.

G Endospore: Ensures the survival of the bacteria through times of stress. It is highly resistant to gamma radiation, temperature, and starvation.

H Plasmid: DNA that is used to be passed from bacteria to bacteria.

I Cytoplasm: The substance that fills the cell. It's main function is to hold all the cells organells in place.

J Ribosomes: Ribosomes are where protein synthesis occurs within a cell. They link amino acids together by mRNA messages and are the catalyst for protien making.


  1. Jessica - I adore this post! What app did you use to for labelling? I want to try it, it looks great. Well done.

  2. Thank you! And I didn't use an app, I uploaded the picture onto Photoshop and another drawing program I use and drew the lines and words using a tablet I own.
